Sites & cities that bear the name of Aquis Querquennis

Aquis Querquennis

Today in : Spain
First trace of activity : 75 C.E
Last trace of activity : 150 C.E
Recorded names : A cidá

Description : Aquis Querquennis , known colloquially as A cidá (in Galician "the city"), is a Roman archaeological complex made up of a Roman camp and a road mansion, located in the parish of Baños de Bande , in Galicia , on the banks of the Limia river in the reservoir of Las Conchas . The camp was established on the site for the construction of Via XVIII or Via Nova , a road that communicated Bracara Augusta and Asturica Augusta. Occupied between the last quarter of the 1st century until the 20s of the 2nd. The mansion-road was a lodging for travelers on the aforementioned road, occupied in the 2nd - 3rd centuries. In the month of September 2018 it was declared of Cultural Interest 1 The place is crossed by a pilgrimage route to Santiago de Compostela , known as "Ruta da Rainha Santa", a name due to the pilgrimage made by Isabel of Portugal in the 14th century and followed in subsequent centuries by numerous pedestrians. This route coincides in its initial section up to Bande with the aforementioned Roman road: Vía Nova and is to be claimed as a " Jacobean way " by various associations in the region. In the place is the Aquae Querquennae-Vía Nova Interpretation Center, which houses a museum and several explanatory rooms of the archaeological complex.

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